Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

औतोमोतिवे Paint

Automotive paint
Automotive paint is a paint brush that serves to eliminate blisters on / scratch on the car body caused by the burst of gravel, bumper other vehicles, or scratches sharp objects (nails, knives, bolts, etc.).
Automotive paint formula.
Basic materials such as acrylic used by local car manufacturers (CKD). Touch-UP able to cover up scratches because of epoxy.Epoxy based content is what makes T-up products capable of providing a suitable color and dab well with only 1 time applications.
Beret and abrasions covered if the car is smooth again, and not attacked by corrosive and rusty.when blisters / beret left, the area around it will perpasive by water particles that undermine vehicle body, it happens or porous.
How to use
1. Clean the area to blister or abrasion by using tissue paper in kering.Car parked in direct sunlight so that at the time of application of paint car body paint a bit warm so can spread paint shine like the oven.
2. Shake the paint brush for a + / - 2 minutes for all color components are mixed with the good.Apply all areas beret with a brush that has been shaped only tersedia.If berets thin scratches, use a toothpick to stick cat.Try avoid luberna out of the area during baret.Hold on blisters or + / - 30 minutes to dry, if it still feels a bit celong apply in the same location until slightly arise.
3. After dioles, the area blisters / beret will arise as a result of this smoothing.For needs to use a tool that is smooth wax or drug poles.If best results use white or yellow KIT, do not use polish to paint, metallic paint because it is too oily and less power Kikis (basting done slowly and controls whether the result is smooth and flat).

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